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General conditions of Sale

Article 1 – Legal Notices

The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to define the terms and conditions of use of the services and products provided via the following website of the single-member simplified joint stock company Numisavenue, as well as the obligations of the parties in this context.

They apply to all sales of coins, medals, tokens, world banknotes or other items concluded through the website.

They apply to all sales of coins, medals, tokens, collector’s notes or other items concluded through the website. This remote sales service is operated by the company Numisavenue, a single-member simplified joint-stock company with capital of €5,000.00, registered with the RCS of REIMS under number 983 369 802, whose head office is located at 8 Bis rue Gabriel Voisin in REIMS (51100)

Numis Avenue can be contacted at the following details :

      • Numisavenue – Centre d’affaires le Crystalide – 51100 REIMS – France

      • via the contact form available on this site in the section “Contact Us”

    Numisavenue is eligible for margin VAT Art.297 A du CGI.

    Special regime – Collectibles and Antiques


    Article 2 – Terminology and definitions

    For the interpretation and execution of the General Conditions, it is agreed that the following terms beginning with a capital letter within the present, whether used in the singular or plural, will have the meaning given to them below:

        • Client: means the legal or natural person using the Service

        • The operator: Numisavenue

        • Service(s): designates the services provided by the company Numisavenue and accessible via the website

        • User: means any natural person using the site, and in fact, subject to these General Conditions.

        • General Conditions: means General Conditions of Sale


      Article 3 –General Provisions Relating to These General Conditions

      General Conditions of Sale (CGV) are applicable exclusively to the online sale of products offered by Numisavenue on the Site. The general conditions of sale applicable at the time of sale are those validated when ordering the Product.

      The General Terms and Conditions are made available to Users on the Site where they can be consulted directly and can also be communicated to them upon simple request by any means of communication.

      The General Terms and Conditions are binding on the Customer who acknowledges, by clicking on the button provided for this purpose or by checking a box, having read and accepted them before placing an order. Validation of the order by its confirmation constitutes acceptance by the buyer of the General Terms and Conditions in force on the day of the order, the conservation and reproduction of which are ensured by the Operator.

      The Operator reserves the right to modify the General Conditions of Sale at any time. 


      Article 4 – Price, Nature and Description of Products is an online sales site for collectibles, coins, world banknotes, medals, tokens, monetary weights, and any other collector’s item related to Numismatics.

      The setting of the Price of the Products is at the sole discretion of the Operator. In the event of promotional offers or discount vouchers, these have a limited validity and application according to the terms and conditions exclusively provided by the Operator. Any other possible offer proposed by the Operator on a Product is a private exchange between the Operator and the Customer. This offer is firm and legal only from the establishment by the Operator of an invoice for the Product concerned, and from the communication of this invoice to the Customer. 

      Except for the exceptions listed above, all Product Prices are fixed Prices, expressed in Euros, all taxes included.

      Any change in the Price of a Product is the sole right of the Operator. It may be temporary or permanent; it may be linked to internal or external contingencies, new expertise, or any other factor that the Operator deems relevant to re-evaluate the Product. As a result, the Operator reserves the right to respond to a request concerning the possible variation of the Price of a Product.

      The Products presented on the Site are each the subject of a description (prepared by the Operator) mentioning their essential characteristics. The photographs or scans illustrating, where applicable, the Products do not constitute a contractual document. Before any order, the Customer may request photographs or additional information about a Product. The Products comply with the requirements of French and European law in force.

      Despite the expertise and care taken by the Operator to provide the most accurate information possible concerning the Products, in the event of an error noted by the Customer, the latter is invited to report any relevant information on the Product to the Operator. The Operator reserves the right to take this information into account or not to modify the Product sheet.


      Article 5  – Responsibility and Warranty

      The Operator Numisavenue, as a legal entity, is responsible for the information given to the Customer concerning the Product. It is also responsible for the delivery of the Product purchased by the customer.

      The User, using the Site remains responsible for the terms and consequences of his access to the Site, in particular via the Internet. This access may involve the payment of fees to technical service providers such as Internet access providers, which remain his responsibility. In addition, the User must provide and be fully responsible for the equipment necessary to connect to the Site (connection identifiers).

      The User acknowledges having verified that the computer configuration he uses is secure and in working order.


      Article 6 – Creation of an account

      To place an order on the Site, the User must first create their personal customer area. Once created, to access it, the User must identify themselves using their login details (username, secret password, personal). It is the User’s responsibility not to communicate their username and password in accordance with the provisions of the “Personal Data” article of these General Terms and Conditions. Each User undertakes to maintain strict confidentiality of the data, in particular the username and password, allowing them to access their customer area. The User acknowledges that they are solely responsible for access to the service via their username and password, unless proven fraud. The User further undertakes to inform the Operator without delay in the event of loss, misappropriation or fraudulent use of their username and/or password.

      After creating their personal customer area, the User will receive an email confirming the creation of their customer area.

      The User undertakes when registering to:

          • provide real, accurate and up-to-date information at the time of entry in the service registration form, and in particular not to use false names or addresses, or names or addresses without authorization.

          • keep registration data up to date in order to guarantee that it is always real, accurate and up to date.

        The User further undertakes not to make available or distribute illicit or reprehensible information (such as defamatory information or information constituting identity theft) or harmful information (viruses). Otherwise, the Operator will be able to suspend or terminate the User’s access to the Site at its exclusive risk.


        Article 7 – Orders

        The Operator strives to ensure optimal availability of its Products. Product offers are valid while stocks last.

        If, despite the Operator’s best efforts, a Product proves to be unavailable after the Customer’s order, the Operator will inform the Customer by email as soon as possible and the Customer will have the choice between :

            • the delivery of a Product of a quality and price equivalent to that initially ordered, and this only with the agreement of the Customer

            • refund of the price of the Product ordered no later than 30 days following payment of the sums already paid.

          It is agreed that apart from the reimbursement of the price of the unavailable Product, if this option is requested by the Customer, the Operator is not liable for any cancellation compensation, unless the non-performance of the contract is personally attributable to it.

          Except for any contrary mention appearing in these General Conditions and without prejudice to the right of withdrawal provided by applicable law, the Customer’s orders are firm and final.

          When placing an order, the Customer must select the chosen Products, add them to his basket by indicating the selected Products and the desired quantities. The Customer has the possibility to check the details of his order and its total price, and to return to the previous pages to possibly correct the contents of his cart, before validating it.

          The Customer undertakes to read the General Terms and Conditions of Sale then in force before accepting them and to confirm the terms and withdrawal costs prior to payment of his order. Confirmation of the order entails acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions and forms the contract.

          The contractual information relating to the order (such as the order number) will be confirmed by email in good time and at the latest at the time of delivery. The Operator strongly advises the Customer to print and/or archive this order confirmation on a reliable and durable medium as proof. A digital invoice is made available to the Customer in the “Personal Account” area. The Operator also advises the Customer to print and/or archive this invoice on a reliable and durable medium as proof.

          Any email sent to the Customer in connection with an order will be sent to the email address that the Customer uses to identify themselves in their customer area.

          The Operator reserves the right not to validate the Customer’s order for any legitimate reason, in particular in the event that:

              • the Customer does not comply with the General Conditions in force at the time of his order;

              • one of the Customer’s previous orders is the subject of a dispute currently being processed;

              • the Customer’s order history shows that amounts remain due under previous orders;

              • The Customer has not responded to a request for confirmation of his order that the Operator sent to him.

            The Operator archives the contracts for the sale of Products in accordance with applicable legislation. By making a request to the following address The Operator will provide the Customer with a copy of the contract that is the subject of the request.

            Any modification of the order by the Customer after confirmation of the order is subject to the agreement of the Operator.

            The information provided by the Customer when placing the order (in particular name and delivery address) is binding on the Customer. Thus, the Operator cannot be held liable in any way in the event that an error when placing the order prevents or delays delivery.

            The Client declares that he has full legal capacity to enter into a commitment under these General Conditions.

            Registration is open to capable adults and minors provided that they are supervised by a parent or guardian with parental authority. Under no circumstances is registration permitted on behalf of third parties unless you are validly authorized to represent them (e.g. a legal entity). Registration is strictly personal to each Client.

            In the event of a failure by the Customer of any of the provisions hereof, the Operator reserves the right to terminate the Customer’s account without notice.


            Article 8 – Payment Terms 

            The company Numisavenue uses the online payment solution.

            Several payment methods can be used to pay for orders :

            By credit card, payment is made online on the secure servers of the company’s bank. Bank details are protected by SSL encryption, and are therefore not accessible, either on the site or to third parties.

            As soon as the payment is accepted by the bank, the customer’s order is registered.

            The Customer can also use payment by Paypal, without having to provide bank details. 


            Article 9 – Livraison et Exportation

            When the Customer orders a Product, several delivery options are offered to him by the Operator:

                • Delivery guaranteed by La Poste in the form of a tracked letter, distributed in France within a minimum indicative period of two days

                • Delivery by registered letter, distributed by the Post Office in France within a minimum indicative period of three days.

              In the event of a specific request from the Customer for delivery in France or internationally, the latter is invited to contact the Operator, by email or telephone, so that a solution can be found.The Operator may therefore use the services of private carriers.

              For any Product whose order is validated by the Customer, the Operator undertakes to ship the Product within two working days following the date of actual receipt of payment.

              Any possible absence of the Operator will be notified in advance to the Customer so that he knows before ordering a Product the delays that this absence could cause.

              According to the legal provisions of Article R.621-98 of the Heritage Code, any currency prior to the date of 1500, and whose value is greater than or equal to 3,000 euros, must be the subject of an application for an export certificate in the event of sale abroad, and an export license for an exit from the territory of the European Union. This rule also applies to any currency more than one hundred years old, and after the date of 1500, whose value is equal to or greater than 15,000 euros.

              For any currency that meets these criteria, French legislation on the protection of cultural property requires the seller to obtain an export certificate, which must be requested from the French Ministry of Culture. The time taken to obtain these documents varies – at least 4 to 6 weeks – and Numisavenue cannot be held responsible for delays in delivery due to the time taken to issue administrative documents by the French Ministry of Culture. Any certificate issued is valid without time limit.


              Article 10 – Withdrawal right

              In accordance with Article L 121-20 of the Consumer Code, the Customer has a period of 14 days from receipt of the Product to request an exchange or refund of the product. The request can be made by email or registered letter so that it is taken into account as soon as possible by the Operator.

              In the event of a return, the Customer is required to return the Product in the same state and conditions as the Product received. The characteristics of the Product must therefore correspond to those indicated and photographed on the Product’s article sheet. 

              Any Product returned damaged or modified by the Customer may not be subject to any reimbursement by the Operator.

              In the event of a return due to deterioration of the Product following its delivery, the Operator undertakes to reimburse the latter or to replace it depending on the availability of the Product and the request of the Customer. 

              Return costs are the responsibility of the Operator for mainland France (including Corsica). Only the amount of the order will be refunded (including shipping costs).
              For areas outside mainland France (Overseas Territories, Europe, outside the European Union, rest of the world), the costs will be borne by the Customer.


              Article 11 – Consumer Mediation

              In accordance with the provisions of Articles L 611-1 and R 612-1 et seq. of the Consumer Code concerning the amicable settlement of disputes: When the consumer has sent a written complaint to the professional and has not received satisfaction or a response within two months, he may submit his complaint free of charge to the consumer mediator. The mediator must be contacted within a maximum period of one year from the initial complaint.

              The MCP MEDIATION mediator can be contacted directly online at the following address: : 

              or by letter at : MÉDIATION DE LA CONSOMMATION & PATRIMOINE – 12 Square Desnouettes – 75015 PARIS


              Article 12  – Intellectual Property

              In accordance with the provisions of the intellectual property code, only personal use is authorized of all photos, images, brands, as well as all logos, texts, files and other elements relating to intellectual property visible on the Operator’s website.

              The Numisavenue brand is the sole property of the Operator. It is a trademark registered with the INPI, protected by law, the use of which is the exclusive property of the Operator.


              Article 13  – Personal Data

              Numisavenue undertakes not to disclose to third parties the information you provide to us. This information is confidential. It will only be used strictly in the commercial context, namely between the user of the site and its manager. The names, first names, addresses, telephone numbers provided are used only for the processing of your order, and to personalize communication with Numisavenue customers..

              You have the right to access, rectify and object to your personal data at any time, upon simple request online or by post, to the contact details indicated above, and without any justification required.

              Article 14 – General Provisions

              This contract is subject to French law.  

              Any disputes arising from this contract must be addressed to the Reims Commercial Court, which has sole jurisdiction.